Pieter-Dirk Uys brings his new show SELL-BY DATE to Montecasino - featuring Tannie Evita Bezuidenhout and a host of your favourite characters

Pieter-Dirk Uys: SELL-BY DATE
Pieter Toerien’s Montecasino Theatre 
24 August – 10 September
Pieter-Dirk Uys's new show at Pieter Toerien's Montecasino theatre from 24
August to 10 September is called SELL-BY DATE and, as expected from his
one-person performances, features not only PDU, but also a cluster of
topical characters: male, female and political. Being active in live theatre
since the late 1960s, he is not surprised when people now ask: 'When will
you retire?' His answer is short and sweet: 'Not retyre; retread!'
SELL-BY-DATE will also show Uys at his 77-year old best, bringing laughter
to various states of disaster. As always, his political scriptwriters are not
letting him down, even when the lights fade to black!
"Al die karakters is meer as spoke van die verlede. Van hulle dien om ons te
herinner dat die geskiedenis liefs nie herhaal moet word nie. Dit is 'n
leerskool en 'n oproep tot aksie. Uys besin ook oor satire en die funksie
daarvan in 'n tyd van politieke korrekheid en die kanseleer-kultuur. 'n
Eerlike en dapper kunstenaar wat verstarde denke steeds in 'n ander rigting
kan stuur, wat jou help om jou lewensuitkyk te verruim en met moed en humor
te leef in hierdie land. Lank lewe PDU, hinkepink en al." - Laetetia Pople
DIE BURGER 25.5.23
"And so PDU, our satirist extraordinaire, a lancer of our national boils
chooses, after four decades of dressing up and dressing down leaders from PW
Botha to Julius Malema, does probably the only think left to do: take off
his own clothes! 'Sell-by Date' is a courageous, vulnerable, masterful
performance by an actor who forms part of our cultural life and lexicon.
There may have been a 'best before', but Pieter has no sell-by date!" -
Steve Kretzmann THE CRITTER 21.5.23
"Bravo to PDU, South Africa's treasured satirist, treading the boards at 77
and holding on to his crate of props and costumes for the show that beckons
beyond the sell-by date. Bravo to Pieter-Dirk Uys and his truly unstoppable
titanium Tannie Evita and for bringing his wonderful energy and satire to
lift us out of ourselves." - Robyn Cohen THE CAPE ROBYN 25.5.23
"In this dreary run-of-the-mill world, trust PDU to stir it up and remind us
who we are and who we want to be - and who we never were. Brilliantly
executed, sometimes funny, sometimes shocking, sometimes insensitive,
sometimes displaying remarks which will make you wince, but you will never
be bored." - Greg Landman MAGIC GRAPE TOURS 20.5.23
"'Sell-by Date' is another piece of thought-provoking entertainment that
will make you laugh out loud, created by probably one of the greatest
satirists ever. Definitely worth seeing. I will never get over watching Uys
transform on stage. His ability to make subtle alterations to his body
language and his voice that completely change him into someone else before
your eyes is magical." Foeron Wheeler - BROADWAY WORLD 25.5.23
Tickets on sale now at Webtickets 
Ticket Prices are just R150 to R250
      Performances dates are :
      Thursday 24th August @ 19h30
      Friday 25th August @ 19h30
      Saturday 26th August @ 16h00 & 19h30
      Sunday 27th August @ 15h00
      Friday 1st September @ 19h30
      Saturday 2nd September @ 16h00 & 19h30
      Sunday 3rd September @ 15h00
      Friday 8th September @ 19h30
      Saturday 9th September @ 16h00 & 19h30
      Sunday 10th September @ 15h00
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