The wind is certainly blowing here in Cape Town and bringing the cold with it. What's better during this weather than enjoying a huuuuuuuuge plate of warm khuri kitchri with a side of sweet and sour butternut and tamarind peppers 😍 The answer is nothing....nothing is better. Since I had run out of coriander, I opted for green peppers to create a chutney for the khuri instead and it worked perfectly too! Find the recipe for the khuri below and the recipe for the butternut and tamarind peppers on my Instagram stories! To all those braving the hectic weather patterns in Durban, stay warm and be safe 😘

Recipe credit: @aniseeds Picture credit: @aniseeds
Liquidise: 1 small bunchdhania/Half green pepper 2 green chillies 4 big cloves of garlic 1 tsp jeeru 1 tblsp coconut 1 tblsp flour 1 cup milk Salt
In a bowl, mix: 500ml yoghurt 1 mug milk Dhania chutney
In a pot: Add 2 tblsps ghee,1/2 tsp jeeru whole and half an onion (finely sliced) and saute till soft and transparent. Pour in yoghurt mix, add 1/2 tsp arad and whisk constantly till it comes to a boil. You must mix it continuously otherwise it can split. Add curry leaves close to the end.Once boiled, adjust salt. Add more yoghurt if you require more tartness. Add more milk if you require less tartness or a thinner khuri. Make a vagaar using half an onion sliced finely, one green chilli and ghee. Once golden brown, pour over the top of the khuri. Blacken 1 tsp jeera seeds in a dry pan and add to the khuri .