I Love ZA Mini Box (Year Supply)

Sale price Price R 2,100.00 Regular price

Tax included.

Receive 1 x I Love ZA Mini Box every month for 12 months

Some of South Africa's favourite chocolates, chips, snacks, biscuits, spices, sauces, spreads, teas and drinks.

The I Love ZA Mini Box includes:

1 x Simba Nik Naks - 20g

1 x Simba Peanuts and Raisins - 50g

1 x Simba Potato Chips - 36g (Choose any Flavour in the drop down list)

1 x Cadbury Slab - 80g (Choose any Flavour in the drop down list)

1 x Bakers Mini Cheddars Cheese - 33g

1 x Bakers Mini Marie Biscuit - 40g

1 x Ceres Hanepoot - 200ml

1 x All Gold Jam Portions Apricot - 15g

1 x Five Roses Tagless Teabag Strip 10s

1 x Five Roses Select African Blend Tagless Teabag Strip 10s

1 x Laager Rooibos Tagless Teabag Strip 10s

1 x Robertsons Envelope Spice Steak and Chops - 7g

3 x Nandos Peri Peri Sauce - 15g


Choose between a:

Once-Off Box (1 box)

3 Month Supply (1 box every month for 3 months)

6 Month Supply (1 box every month for 6 months)

Year Supply (1 box every month for 12 months)